6 Considerable Things about Tankless Water Heaters

tankless water heater

Well, the tankless water heaters are appliances that are easy to use and provide much ease coz these devices can supply your kitchen and washroom areas with boundless hot water. Moreover, these geysers have small sizes; plus, the machines don’t need big spaces for being installed anywhere.

But do you really need a tankless water heater?

The trend of geysers has changed a lot because of the growing demand for bigger homes and greater energy efficiency, so people have become extremely interested in tankless water heaters.

Is the technology of tankless geysers new?

Hmm, tankless water heaters are common in Europe and Central & South America, so the concept of these geysers is well-tested and well-understood. If these appliances are maintained properly, these could last for 20 or more years. Therefore, you could use these devices twice as long as traditional or tank geysers. These appliances also eradicate the requirement of separate hot and cold pipes that are fitted for transporting water from a central spot to your taps.

High prices of tankless water heaters are ignored due to their low operating costs

Hmm, tankless water heaters are more costly than conventional ones. However, keeping 30 or more gallons of hot water on hand is also difficult for fulfilling all home needs related to warm water. Plus, a tankless geyser uses power when a hot water tap is opened And, when you turn off the faucet, the heater becomes off. Well, the heated water becomes cool when it sits within your pipes. So, how much unused water would you let waste within the drain while performing any aquatic activity before having some shower? Of course, not much.

Therefore, you have less hot water consumption in your home as well that leads to less electricity bills caused by using hot water.

Hmm, bear in mind that the demand for hot water in North America is very high as compared to other areas of the world. A moderate-sized house generally requires one geyser. But if your family is big or you have several bathrooms, a single water heater might not be sufficient to fulfil the hot water requirements of such a family.

Besides, you might require updates for the electrical panel of your home if you choose an electric model for a tankless water heater. And, on-demand gas tankless geysers have got remarkable (Energy Star®) ratings, and these are definitely better options, especially if the case is that you already have access to gas.

The tankless geysers decrease the possibility of flooding

Coz these systems consume only about half the amount of plumbing pipe and end the requirement to keep a 40-gallon reservoir of water in your basement, these devices lessen the risk of flooding prominently.

Maintenance of routine is still necessary

Most of the home water sources supply hard water. That water has a high content of minerals. This hard water is hard to deal with for tankless water heaters. So, you may require a water softener. However, the sediments become collected inside the geyser, and the ageing of the appliance is also an issue. But these issues are present at a minor level. Therefore, just regular maintenance will keep your appliance safe from noticeable damages.

Should you discuss tankless geyser systems with your house builder or not?

If you are constructing a new house, you definitely should discuss the topic of tankless systems with your home builder. Well, if your hot water demands are moderate by nature, and you are committed to appropriate maintenance, a tankless system might be the right option to go when you have to replace your water heater.

Plus, if the hot water demands of your house are high, and you want to address the demerits of your current water heating system, you might consider to add a tankless unit within your home strategically.
We think that you should talk to the plumbing experts and ask what are the available systematic options for tankless geyser systems and which system suits your situation at the best level. Hmm, the primary investment for a tankless water heater is high, but the payback for energy and saving of water use with an EnergyStar® gas appliance is an attractive case for anyone. So, the tankless geyser system could replace your conventional hot water system, and it could also work for all household hot water activities.

What are the best brands for buying tankless water heaters?

We analyzed many tankless geysers online and found the following brands as most reliable for you:

Super Asia:

Super Asia is a company of Pakistan that has been selling various instant geysers, electric geysers, or tankless water heaters to its customers for many decades. And, this company sells several kinds of reliable products to its clients in Pakistan and other Asian countries. Plus, the electric geysers of this brand are strong for being made of durable metals and are extremely energy-saving for users.

Best Super Asia Instant Geyser

Model Price


I-Zone is a company of standard household appliances in Pakistan. And, this has been selling its products to its clients for a long duration. Then, regarding its instant geysers, we think these appliances are not only strong for being made of sturdy materials but also energy-efficient for their clients.

Best I-Zone Electric Water Heater

Model Price
IZONE Electric Water Heater BEIGE SS TOP (8gln) ₨15,500.00


Canon is a firm of Pakistan that has been selling household devices to its customers for many decades dependably. And, its reliable electric geysers have long-term warranty (e.g., guarantee of 2 years), and these are energy-saving as well.

Best Canon Water Heater

Model Price
Canon Instant gas water heater-6ltr INS-604 dual ₨11,350.00
Canon Instant Gas –Water Heater (8 Liter)Dual 18D Plus ₨14,700.00
Canon Instant Gas INS-1002 Water Heater 10Liter ₨18,000.00

Well, we hope that you might have understood all the points regarding things you should know about tankless water heaters. Besides, Lahore Centre sells quality electric geysers to its consumers. If you want to analyse the price and other details of different tankless water heaters related to several brands on a credible online store, do visit Lahore Centre store. There are high chances that you get the product of your requirements. So, that’s all for today, and don’t forget to revisit our blog for more effective pieces.