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Super Asia Room Cooler ECM4500 Auto

Buy the Super Asia room cooler designed for performance with powerful airflow. At the Lahore Centre electronics Store.

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Super Asia Room Cooler ECM4500 PLUS

The Super Asia Room Cooler ECM4500 PLUS stands out as an excellent choice for those seeking efficient and Reliable Cooling Solutions for their living spaces. As temperatures rise, the importance of having a durable, effective cooler becomes paramount, and the ECM4500 PLUS meets this need brilliantly.

The functions of Super Asia Room Cooler ECM4500 PLUS are very easy to use. Whether it’s changing the mode of cooling or adjusting the speed of the fan, the setting of the cooler can be easily modified according to the requirements.

Super Asia Room Cooler ECM-4500 Plus Efficiency is another important feature. It is specially made to use less power while delivering extra cooling, making it an easy choice for users mindful of their energy use. The energy efficiency does not compromise the cooler’s performance, which keeps providing relief from the warm without the high electricity bills.

Furthermore, the ECM4500 PLUS boasts a robust build quality. It is made from durable materials that ensure long life and resistance. This durability is vital for maintaining performance throughout warm periods.

One of the standout features of this cooler is its powerful air throw. With the best engineering design, the ECM4500 PLUS can distribute cool air evenly across a large space room, ensuring that each corner is reached. The Cooler comes equipped with a high-performance fan that maximizes airflow, making it an ideal choice for spacious areas where consistent cooling is needed.

The Super Asia Room Cooler ECM4500 PLUS is an excellent investment for anyone looking to keep their environment comfortably cool without breaking the bank. With its powerful cooling capabilities, energy efficiency, and durable design, it promises to be a dependable companion during the hot summer days.


  • Tank Capacity 60 Litre
  • Top Loading Cooling Box (For Re-Freezable Ice Packs included For Ultimate)
  • Ice Packs (6 Re-Freezable Ice Packs For Extra Cooling)
  • Powerful Air Throw (Designed For Performance With Powerful Airflow and Cool Efficiency)
  • Energy Efficient (Powerful Energy Efficient Motor)
  • High-Efficiency Cooling PADS
  • Auto Swing
  • Turbo Fan Technology
  • System Restore Function
  • 2 Speed Control
  • Strong outer Body (Shock Rust Proof Plastic Body)
  • Large Tank Capacity
  • Continuous Water Supply
  • 4 Way Mobility

Super Asia

Water Capacity

50 Liters

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